The management of a company corresponds to the implementation of resources to ensure the implementation of the project from the creation of a company or the takeover of a company to its dissolution, including various acts such as the transfer of the registered office.

What are the main activities of the manager? First and foremost, it is about :

  • The forecasting of the objectives to be reached
  • Monitoring the application of the business strategy
  • The proactivity to face unexpected events

The basics of business management

The activity of management, accounting and administration is essential to ensure the functioning and development of the company after its creation.

What is the management of a company?

According to the accounting plan, the management of a company consists of using the company’s resources to achieve the set objectives based on a well-defined implementation policy. Generally speaking, it can be assimilated to management. However, it tends to rely more on the financial aspect than the human one. Whether it is a company a corporation or an auto-entreprise, after having defined the legal status of the company, mastering the fundamentals of management is important to guarantee its success.

The broad categories of tasks that fall to the manager are to:

  • Establish the objectives to be achieved in advance
  • Define the action plan
  • Implementing the adopted strategy
  • Reacting to unforeseen events
  • Ensuring management control

More concretely, being a manager can lead, even before the creation of the company, to accomplish acts on behalf of the company in formation, to establish a company seal, to carry out various audits in marketing or on its products or to ensure the collection of debts, etc. However, it is always possible to divide these tasks between different people or to outsource the accounting.

What is management control?

Management control is one of the tasks of the management bodies. It is defined as the way of analyzing objectives, methods and means to improve performance.

The main mission of management control is to improve the management of the company. Its activity is focused on finding ways to improve performance, particularly by improving productivity.

To do this, it develops and proposes useful tools:

  • Analyze the different services in order to propose new working methods
  • Controlling, managing and measuring the activity of an organization
  • Carry out internal audits to guarantee the effectiveness of strategies and the implementation of resources
  • Improve the structure of the organization

What is a good manager?

Because his or her job is to predict, analyze, implement processes, lead and review. Therefore, a competent manager must :

Be results-oriented: set ambitious but achievable goals in a competitive context.

Know how to delegate: the manager has a global vision of the competences of each person, he/she reserves most often the complex missions requiring a lot of analysis and delegates the least important and most repetitive tasks.

Defining leadership: encouraging and giving meaning to the work of each person is increasingly important and expected by the teams.